
Human Dynamic Europe feels strongly about corporate social responsibility (CSR), thus supports various centers, nonprofit organizations and projects connected with mental health, either directly or indirectly. Usually, these projects benefit people who otherwise would not be able to afford this care, or we provide them with something special to enjoy. It is the smile and joy in their eyes that are the greatest reward for us.
Centrum soc. služieb prof. Karola Matulaya pre deti a dospelých
Domov sociálnych služieb pre deti a dospelých Šoporňa – Štrkovec
Koľko lásky sa zmesti do krabice od topánok
Dostupné poradenstvo
Vianočná pošta pre seniorov (Pohodovo o.z.)
Detský domov Sereď
Nadácia detského kardiocentra
Úsmev ako dar
Nadácia Pontis
Brána do života
Dečija misija